Adult Education
Want to be involved in our Education programs?
To learn about joining our Education committee

Scoop of Torah

An early morning Scoop of Torah: An informal learning on the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Victor, Nehar Shalom's Founding Rabbi.
You are invited to join us whenever you are able. “Drop-ins” are most welcome. Exploring the weekly Torah portion offers a rich opportunity to interpret our lives through the lens of Torah and to interpret Torah through the lens of our lives. Come be part of a warm, informal, and supportive learning group.

Who is this program for? Nitzotzot means sparks and this program is for anyone who wants to (re)ignite their relationship to Judaism and Jewish practice.
What does the program entail? Nitzotzot is centered around relationship to Torah and relationship to Shabbat morning services. It includes two parallel, ongoing learning opportunities that will happen with a cohort, plus additional individual and small-group learning for those who want to prepare for a b mitzvah ceremony.
Nitzotzot Davening Laboratory is a special gathering on the fourth Saturday of each month designed to help participants deepen their relationship to tefila, liturgy, and Shabbes. It will include a combination of study and experimental prayer practice. Topics might include how we think about and address the divine while we pray; the different models for prayer offered by our tradition (from offering sacrifices to talking back to God; from praise to gratitude to supplication); and how music supports and deepens our practice. Experimental modalities might include chant, poetry, and movement.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the davening laboratory, whether or not you are in the b mitzvah program.
The adult b mitzvah cohort will meet biweekly for Nitzotzot Parsha Study. One session each month will be led by Rabbi Leora, and one session will be peer led (with support). This learning is designed to kindle participants’ relationship to Torah and for some, will be a context to start preparing to write a dvar Torah.
Participants who want to prepare for a b mitzvah ceremony will work with a tutor 1-1 or in small groups to learn how to leyn (chant Torah from the scroll). For those who don’t yet know how to decode Hebrew, we are starting an introductory Hebrew class.
What is required?
To participate in the cohort, you are expected to commit to attending the davening laboratory and the parsha study with consistency.
To prepare for a b mitzvah ceremony, you are also expected to attend regular Shabbat morning services at least once/month.
There is no cost for members; non-members who are interested are welcome to join Nehar Shalom, or are asked to contribute $360, but as always the cost won’t be a barrier to participation.
The Hebrew class and tutoring for leyning or service leadership will have a sliding scale tuition cost.
Nitzotzot Davening Laboratory Dates
(Saturdays 10 am - noon)
Jan 25
Feb 22
Mar 22
Apr 26
May 24
Nitzotzot: Nehar Shalom’s B Mitzvah Program for Grown-ups
Nitzotzot Parsha Study Dates:
7:30-8:45 pm on the second and fourth Monday of the month, beginning February 10th.
Probably virtual unless everyone wants it to be in person!
Feb 10 and 24
March 10 and 24
April 7 (first Monday!!) and 28
May 12 and 26
To sign up:
Please email Rabbi Leora acknowledging that you have read this description, that the Monday evening and Saturday morning times generally work for you, and that you are committed to showing up with consistency (no one is expected to have 100% attendance). Include any questions you have, and feel free to share hopes, dreams, and concerns for this process that you haven’t had a chance to share yet.
Introductory Hebrew Class
Join us for Adult Introductory Hebrew class
Focusing on reading
Learning the alef-bet
Learning how to sound out words
This 6 week class begins on February 13th through March 27th (no class on Erev Purim - March 13th)
Dates: Thursdays, February 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 27
Time: 7pm
Location: In person at 6 Eliot Street
Cost: Members: $100-180 per person - sliding scale
Non-Members: $180-$300 per person - sliding scale