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Tuesday Morning Services

Please join us at the JP Tuesday Morning Minyan

This minyan is hosted by Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue and open to all.

It takes place at 7:30 am on Tuesday mornings, at 6 Eliot Street


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Signing Up

So that those who are saying Mourners’ Kaddish can know whether or not there will be a full minyan, we are asking folks to sign up by 9pm Monday evening if you can commit to coming. If you don’t sign up, you are still more than welcome to attend.


Sign up sheet to attend Tuesday morning minyan.


The Praying

We’ll start with the expectation that leaders may shorten psukei d’zimra to emphasize singing or other contemplative practice, and that from barchu through the end of the service there will be a full, mostly Hebrew liturgy, most often using Nusach Ashkenaz. That practice may evolve over time. If you don’t know what any of that means, please come and learn! Whatever experience you do or do not have with Jewish weekday morning prayer, you are warmly encouraged to attend. No experience is necessary. If you want support to learn what is going on, we’ll provide it. If you’re interested in leading, please be in touch with Rabbi Leora (



As with all things Nehar Shalom, this minyan will be egalitarian, feminist, and queer- and trans-positive. We expect everyone who attends to wear a well-fitted high-filtration mask, and to stay home if you have been exposed to COVID or have any symptoms.


See our full COVID policy.


What is a minyan anyway?

“Minyan” is a Hebrew word meaning “quorum” and refers both to a gathering for communal prayer, and to the 10 adult Jews needed to say certain prayers, including Mourners’ Kaddish. Our community counts as part of that quorum people of all genders who are over 13 years old and Jewish. If you are under 13 years old, not Jewish, or in a process to become Jewish or affirm your Jewish status, you are very very warmly welcome to attend, and your presence matters! We respectfully ask only adult Jews to sign up on the spreadsheet so we can ensure a full minyan. If you have ANY questions about this or what this means, please do not hesitate to ask Rabbi Leora. We are striving to create a deeply welcoming space where everyone who wants to can find a sense of belonging. We know we won't do this perfectly, and questions around how to make a minyan might be a place where different people's needs come into conflict. We are working towards navigating this with humility and generosity and encourage you to share your experience and perspective, and to let us know how we can do better.


What else can I expect?

  • The space is fairly small. If our numbers grow, we’ll find a bigger space! 

  • You are welcome to bring your own siddur/prayer book, and we have one for you. We will be using the older version of Siddur Sim Shalom. It is fully translated but mostly not transliterated (meaning the Hebrew words are not written out in English letters). If you want help finding a different prayer book, please talk to Rabbi Leora.

  • Some people will be wearing tallis (prayer shawl) and tefillin (little boxes containing sacred words that we strap on to our heads and arms). These are not required. If you’re curious, ask!


If you have any other accessibility questions - or if you feel nervous to attend and want some support - please be in touch! You can reach Rabbi Leora at If you would like to be on an email list to receive updates about the minyan, please click here to sign up.

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