Nehar Shalom is a community co-created by our members. Your presence is valued in any way you show up. There are many ways to be involved, from attending services to cooking a meal for someone who needs it; to serving on the Board to helping build our website. You can read about our existing committees below, and reach out to learn more. If you see a gap and want to create a new committee or working group, please be in touch with Rabbi Leora at or a Board Member.

Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors includes people with all kinds of experience in community leadership. Board members support our committees in building a thriving community while working on the vision and sustainability of Nehar Shalom. If you are excited to think about who we are and who we can
be as a community, consider
joining the board!

Chesed Committee
The Chesed Committee looks after the needs of Nehar Shalom members in times of joy and sorrow. Chesed means kindness and its expression is an essential element of community.
As a member of Nehar Shalom,
there is much opportunity to
nurture connection among us and
to deepen community.