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 סוכת ושמחת תורה
Sukkot and Simchat Torah Services and Events

Religious Festival Symbols

Sukkot is known as זמן שמחתנו/z'man simchateinu, the time of our joy.

We are delighted to have so many opportunities to celebrate together as a community. 

Nehar Shalom is a happy co-host of the JP Community Sukkah at Hope Central Church,

85 Seaverns Ave. in Jamaica Plain.
Nehar Shalom events are listed on this page.

Please also see the full schedule of community events.

Thursday, September 28

Sukkah Decorating Open House and Arba Minim pickup

4:00pm-7:00pm at the Sukkah, Hope Central, 85 Seaverns Ave.


Join Nehar Shalom to decorate the sukkah and shmooze. We will have snacks, art supplies, and an opportunity to meet and greet members of our community.

If you order a lulav and etrog through Nehar Shalom, please plan to pick it up during this time.

Saturday, September 30

Shabbat and Sukkot Morning Services

9:00am at First Church JP, 6 Eliot St.


Join Nehar Shalom for spirited Shabbes and yontiv services. Please note the service begins at 9:00, not 9:30!

Kiddush in the Sukkah

12:30pm at the Sukkah, Hope Central, 85 Seaverns Ave.


Join the Nehar Shalom community for kiddush in the JP Community Sukkah following morning services.


Sunday, October 1

Torah Study

10:30am at the Sukkah, Hope Central, 85 Seaverns Ave.


Join Nehar Shalom for Torah study in the sukkah on the second day of Sukkot.

Nehar Shalom Open House - bring your own lunch

12:00pm at the Sukkah, Hope Central, 85 Seaverns Ave.

A second opportunity to come schmooze, eat, and meet members of the community! Grape juice provided for kiddush; bring your own lunch.

Saturday, October 7

Creative Shemini Atzeret Morning Service

10:00am-12:00pm at First Church JP, 6 Eliot St.


(Please note the updated location; we have moved services indoors at First Church JP because of rain in the forecast.)

Join us for song, prayer, and learning, as we lean into the vulnerability of the season and celebrate the spiritual work we have done during the high holy days. This will not be a traditional service with full liturgy, but davening will include Hallel, a teaching about Shemini Atzeret as the culmination of the high holy day season and Tefilat Geshem (the prayer for rain).

We will begin with Yizkor at 10:00, and then continue with singing, learning, and prayer.

  • 10:00am-10:30am — Yizkor (led by Rabbi Leora Abelson)

  • 10:30am-11:20am — Avodat Lev + Hallel (led by Adam Schutzman and Rabbi Leora Abelson)

  • 11:20am-11:30am — Teaching (by Aviva Herr-Welber)

  • 11:30am-12:00pm — Special Musaf service with Geshem, the poetic and songful prayer for rain that is a Shemini Atzeret exclusive! (led by Aviva Herr-Welber)

  • 12:00pm-whenever — BYO lunch! Kavod will provide grape juice and challah

Sunday, October 8

Simchat Torah Morning Services

9:00am at First Church JP, 6 Eliot St.

  • 9:00am — full service begins

  • 9:30am — special kids programming

  • 10:15am-ish — Hakafot with singing and dancing - kids will join the full service

  • 11:00am-ish — Torah service - everyone is invited to have an aliya!

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