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Saturday, March 23rd
6 Eliot Street

Join Nehar Shalom and Kavod at 6 Eliot St

for a megillah reading

followed by a lively dance party featuring amazing live music played by Kavod community members,

a DJ set by the one and only Ray-Ray, and some very special musical guests to be announced soon!


7:45 pm ma'ariv (brief service) and megillah reading

9:30 pm Dance Party with live music and a DJ set


You are welcome to join us just for the dancing or just for the service or for both! A splendid time is guaranteed for all. Show up dressed in your Purim best, and please bring cash or a phone with Venmo to make matanot la'evyonim (gifts to the poor which are one of the mitzvot of Purim).


Please note: high-filtration masks are required at all Purim events per Nehar Shalom's Policies


Purim Morning

Sunday, March 24th
Hebrew Rehabilitation Center
1200 Centre Street, Roslindale

We are thrilled to celebrate Purim with the Hebrew SeniorLife folks at Hebrew Rehabilitation Center. 

Nehar Shalom will be hosting all of our morning programming in their beautiful synagogue. We are excited to have a truly ALL-ages celebration!


9:30 am: Shaharit / morning services

9:45 - 10:15 am: Special programming with Yardena for ages 0-6

10:15 am: Megillah reading


Join us for Shpieling and entertainment along with the Megillah Reading, all of which will wrap up around 11:45. There will be crafts and other activities for people of all ages concurrent with the Megillah Reading.

Please come in costume!


Able to arrive at 9:15 and stay til noon? We need some volunteers who can help accompany seniors to and from their rooms. You'll be trained on the spot - this is a real mitzvah. Please let Rabbi Leora know if you are able to help out (


Please note: high-filtration masks are required at this event per Nehar Shalom and HSL's policies.

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Parking instructions
for Hebrew Rehabilitation Center

Enter via the driveway on Walter Street, and park in the “upper” parking lot, in front of the building's main entrance.

This is the entrance that google maps directs you to if you type in “Hebrew SeniorLife.” You will see an awning and sliding door which is the upper entrance, and someone from the security staff will be there to direct people to the synagogue. If you make your way to the lower entrance or parking lot by accident, that's OK! You can park down there as well, and staff at that door will help you sign in and direct you to the synagogue.

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