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Community Torah
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Oct 16, 20238 min read
Silence is not an option
Shabbat Beresheit Oh beloveds. What can I even say? It feels so hard to talk. I’m sad, and scared. I am angry and grieving. I’m...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Oct 1, 202311 min read
On Making a Makom Kavua
Yom Kippur 5784 In the city of Budapest, the Great Synagogue is on Dohany Street. It is the largest synagogue in Europe, with seats for...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Sep 20, 202310 min read
Hayom Harat Olam: Continuity, Possibility, and Creativity on a Changing Planet
Rosh Hashana 5784 The Jewish musician Eliana Light has a song for Rosh Hashana that goes like this: Hayom Hayom Harat olam Happy birthday...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Sep 19, 20219 min read
L’dor va dor: Becoming blessings to one another in multigenerational community
Yom Kippur 5782 When I was growing up, my family belonged to a Conservative synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We didn’t always feel...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Sep 10, 20218 min read
Teshuva: Healing what is broken, building toward what is whole
Rosh Hashanah 5782 Hi. (Deep breath.) Shana tova. We got here. I’m a rabbi - getting to Rosh Hashana always feels like a feat. But this...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Sep 22, 202010 min read
Sometimes it’s too much
Spiritual leadership in times of crisis This is not the drashah that I planned to give this morning. There has been so much build-up to...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Jul 30, 20207 min read
Parshat Va’etchanan, Shabbat Nachamu
I have a lot of respect for the psychological movement of the Jewish calendar, and it is an important part of my personal spiritual...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Jul 16, 20207 min read
Parshat Maasei
I got a text message this week from a young person who belongs to the congregation in Attleboro where I used to be the rabbi. She wrote,...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Jul 10, 20206 min read
On Belonging
Parashat Pinchas As many of you know, I also work as a hospice chaplain. One of the core tools in a chaplains’ toolkit is a spiritual...
Rabbi Leora Abelson
Jul 1, 20203 min read
A Message from Our Rabbi
Dear Chavraya, I write those words, dear chavraya, with humility and hope. Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue has been a precious place of...
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